
Whoozy by 7A.M Club


We are thrilled to have you on this journey as we introduce you to the world of Whoozy.

Heads up! What you are about to read can make you overly excited. We are not liable for any issues stemming from excessive hype.

Core Values

1. Exceptional Art

At Whoozy, art is at the heart of everything we do. We wanted to create a collection that people can easily connect with, drawing inspiration from the lively 90s era. Our goal was to evoke a sense of familiarity and nostalgia, making each piece special and relatable to all. With great care, we crafted our art to be a cherished part of our project, bringing joy and connection to our community. Head to Brand and Collection to learn about our art process.

2. Real Value

Our foremost objective is to prioritize the long-term value of our NFTs, ensuring that all holders find value in retaining them and do not experience any loss.

By delivering on this commitment, we are confident in our ability to cultivate a loyal community. We will achieve this through the unique value propositions we offer and gaming events, fostering a sense of appreciation and engagement among our community members. Check out Utility section.

3. Community

Community is the driving force behind any great project. Creating a strong community is vital for long-term success.

We believe that the way to forge strong relations with the community is through delivering tangible value to holders. All our products are designed for this purpose only. Head to Game and Whoozy Production Hub for further information.

Join us as we delve into the intricacies of Whoozy, from our unique utilities and engaging gameplay to our commitment to sustainability and community-driven growth.

Last updated