
Ultimate value

We believe in delivering real, tangible value to our investors and holders. While many projects talk about various utilities, we understand that the ultimate utility lies in the long-term appreciation of the collection's value. That's why we focus on building a sustainable ecosystem that fuels growth and rewards the community.

  1. Appreciating Value: The Core Utility

At the end of the day, the primary utility of an NFT project centers around the appreciation of the NFT floor price. We are committed to achieving success and long-term value for our holders. By leveraging our extensive experience in web2, we are developing a robust B2B production service for NFT projects. This service will provide essential tools and support to other NFT creators, driving the demand and desirability of Whoozy in the market.

  1. B2B Services: Unlocking Opportunities

Our web2 expertise combined with our deep understanding of the NFT space allows us to create a highly sought-after business-to-business service. By providing valuable tools, infrastructure, and consulting to other NFT projects, we aim to establish ourselves as a trusted partner in the market. As our B2B service flourishes, our NFT holders will reap the benefits as the demand for our own NFTs rises, driving the floor price higher.

  1. Engaging Gameplay: Fun and Profit

In addition to our B2B services, we are developing an immersive battle royale type game exclusively for Whoozy holders. Our game not only offers an enjoyable experience but also provides an avenue for players to earn NFTs and valuable in-game assets. By integrating gameplay with our NFT ecosystem, we aim to create an engaging environment that keeps our community entertained while contributing to the overall value appreciation of their NFT holdings.

  1. Unique Art: The Aesthetic Advantage

We understand the importance of aesthetics in the NFT market. That's why we've carefully curated a collection of unique and visually striking art pieces. We believe that dedication to create exceptional artwork increases the chances to attract a wider audience, drawing in more buyers who recognize the value of being part of our community. The quality and creativity of our art become a fundamental utility, reinforcing the long-term value proposition of our project.

  1. Staking Rewards: Recognizing Support

Community is everything. We value our ardent supporters. That's why we will be introducing a staking system that rewards loyalty with exciting opportunities. By staking their NFTs, our community gains access to exclusive perks such as early access to new releases, limited edition drops, and participation in special gaming & IRL events. We want to ensure that our most dedicated holders are recognized and benefit from their unwavering support.

6. Intellectual Property: Royalties

We believe in empowering our holders through intellectual property (IP) rights. By owning a Whoozy, holders gain exclusive control over their digital assets, allowing them to license their NFTs or associated IP to third parties. This creates opportunities for holders to earn royalties or licensing fees when their assets are used in virtual worlds, games, or marketing campaigns. This also means if we use their NFTs in our upcoming projects, they will get certain royalties as well. We're committed to providing ongoing income and value to our holders beyond the initial purchase.

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