
Race against time and friends to win cool stuff

In the concrete jungle of life, a crew of peeps ain't satisfied with the same old grind. They hunger for something more, something that hits different. They are outliers, they refuse to be some cogs in a damn machine. And guess what? One night when they are asleep, they stumble upon a whole other dimension right in their dreams. Ain't no fiction, it's like a whole new reality. In this wild place, they can roam free, doing all sorts of crazy adventures that'd blow your mind. They meet new peeps just like em, form bonds that feel as real as the treasures they come across.

But here's where it gets trippy, when they wake up from their snooze, they ain't just left with foggy memories. Nah, they find a sick metal coin, rockin' a bold "W", like a symbol of their dreams.

It's the proof, man, the proof that their dreams ain't just some random nonsense. They can actually bring back stuff from that dream world to the real deal. Mind-blowing, right?


We believe that value can be delivered in multiple ways. We chose the fun one.

Powered by Unreal Engine 5, Whoozyverse offers a supreme game design and visuals for free spirits on Solana Ecosystem.

Our purpose is to provide value and opportunities with Whoozyverse by holding weekly & monthly competitions, treasure hunts and battle royale events. Our holders will be able to have fun and get a chance to win both in-game assets and cool NFTs by competing in numerous maps and game modes.

$WOOT Utilities

$WOOT is the heart of Whoozyverse and it has many usecases.


  • The only way to get $WOOT is to stake on Whoozyverse or join battles.

  • Each staked Whoozy generates 100 $WOOT per day.

  • The longer you stake, the more $WOOT your Whoozy generates.

  • When the stake is removed, the boost resets.

Raffles O'Plenty

Spend your $WOOT to get an edge during the battle or accumulate it to enter weekly raffles. The more Whoozy NFT you hold, the higher your chances to win blue chip NFTs, merchandise and $SOL.


Spend $WOOT to participate in tournaments where hundreds of people compete for bluechip NFTs. Find treasures, defeat your opponents and loot loot during these time-limited events. When the time is up, hey you captured will be yours.


Stand out on the battlefield with your uniquely customized gear. Craft weapons, gear, and armor by combining $WOOT tokens and battle-obtained components. Recipes for crafting are obtained from chests looted in battles. You can also purchase them from other players using $WOOT.

These items are not just for show. Crafted items increase your $WOOT yield, health, weapon damage, armor, and speed. Every item you craft contains a pinch of mystery, and random rarities add exciting mechanics.

Craftable items have different rarities. Different rarities provide different amounts of boosts. The rarity of the crafted equipment is randomly determined.

Power-Ups and Buffs Want to get an edge in battle? Spend $WOOT to get buffs that will increase your chances of victory.

Wheel of Fortune Do you consider yourself lucky? Spin the wheel for rare weapons, power-ups, components and of course huge $WOOT loot!


Step into the bustling commercial center inside the hangar. Trade your crafted items and cosmetics with other players using $WOOT. Unlock new possibilities as you trade, collaborate and redefine your strategy. In the hangar, you can trade your crafted items and cosmetics with other players using $WOOT

Cosmetics Enhance your Whoozy by purchasing NFT upgrades and fancy outfits. Some cosmetics are limited edition and can only be purchased for a limited time. Cosmetics are added to the in-game inventory and can be traded with other players for $WOOT.

Game Modes & More

Whoozyverse offers various game modes for an exciting gaming experience. Each game mode has different objectives and rewards.

5v5 Risk & Reward: Get ready to step into the intense competitive arena. In this exciting game mode, players will engage in intense competition by revealing their valuable NFTs or coins. The stakes are high, the excitement is unique, and prizes are waiting to be won.

Deathmatch: Shoot anything that moves. All that matters in this free-for-all game mode is to beat as many opponents as possible. Battle with your friends or play alone. When the countdown is over, the players with the most kills win. Simple and deadly.

Treasure Hunt: Wander the grounds and search for treasures. Open chests and loot other players. As you try to survive, collect the most Dreamshards to win the game.

Tournament: Prepare for chaos. Compete against time and players. Hundreds of people compete for bluechip NFTs and more during these time-limited events. Whether it's blue-chip NFTs, cool items, or in-game assets, whatever you catch will be yours when the time runs out.

Demo version is ready and will be released before launch.

Loyalty of the community will be rewarded by giving more to the most devoted holders. Greatness of the rewards (both in-game assets and NFTs) will depend on the Whooziness level of the holders. Developing an online game is a difficult undertaking. Soon after launch, beta testing phase will begin. The more beta tester we have, the faster we can release our main game.

We don't want to keep our community waiting so before the alpha release, we will grant access to certain game modes. The first playable game modes will be 1v1 - 2v2 - 5v5 death match & high stakes.

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